Another Ultrasound

I can’t count how many ultrasounds I’ve had to monitor my cysts, but I like to call myself a frequent flyer.  I don’t worry about having a full bladder because I know they will just tell me to empty when I get in the room.  I ask for the larger size robe and room number and I meet them there verses waiting for them to escort me.  Today’s findings were no different than other times all 4 of my cyst friends are still inside of me one have grown slightly.  I am so guilty of going in around peak fertility time to see if I actually ovulated and this morning my friends was CD 12 so yes today I was guilty, oh well at least I’ve already met my deductible 🙂  On the plus side I weighed myself yesterday and I am now in weight to receive IUI treatment so maybe a November IUI ?!

For some reason the Clearblue did not peak for me and I ran out of sticks so I’m relying solely on the Wondfo, which have appeared to peak but the Clearblue was still flashing, this doesn’t happen very often for me so I am perplexed.


For the past year I’ve had terrible under arm odor and I have been traumatized to wear deodorant with aluminium in it after my incident earlier this year.  Earlier this year I had a cyst in my armpit that a plastic surgeon had to remove in office leaving me with a drain tube in my armpit for a week! It was very traumatic 😦  In preparation for my surgery I went and brought some Hibiclens Soap to see if it could help my underarm dilemma, surprisingly after a whole day of forgetting to put on my Tom’s deodorant it was able to take away the smell, normal soap does not take away the smell.  I’m going to leave it on for the full three minutes and see if it has a longer lasting affect!

My goal is to finish my Camden Cape by Seamwork for this fall!  This is a great beginners pattern and has been fun working through:)


My birthday was fabulous! Kaylee is so sweet she had been stressing about my birthday for the past week there were so many things she wanted to do for me she wanted to get me flowers and make me a cake and she also made me a spaghetti dinner! All with the help of grandma of course but she did most of it! Grandma even took her to the store to get my flowers!  She is my sweet girl I couldn’t imagine life without her, she will always be enough for me.  Sometime when I’m testing with OPK’s she catches me in the action so I’ve had to explain to her why I use them and what they are for and just this weekend she seem the sticks and said “mommy, someday if it’s hard for me to have a baby I will use the sticks too” my heart melted! I know how badly she has wanted a sibling for the past few years but I also treasure the time where it has just been the two of us, she will always be my baby.

My new bible which was my birthday present:)

Inspire Bible NLT: The Bible for Creative Journaling