First IUI!

I am 4 weeks post surgery and currently on CD 2.  While the surgeon wanted me to try on my own for 6-9 months I just don’t see the point in waiting when my endo can come back at any time so here goes nothing!  I got into the right weight for an IUI by eating 1460 calories a day!  I call it the starvation diet and fat camp but it’s working!  The fertility clinic weighs me every time so I make sure to not eat or drink prior and to pee a couple times before!!!! Hey when in desperate times you will do what you gotta do, am I right?

Tomorrow I go in for Day 3 ultrasound and blood work.  I got all my meds in the mail, I will be taking 100mg clomid, progesterone suppositories, and then an Ovidrel Trigger shot.  The pharmacy warned me not to let the Ovidrel freeze or it becomes invalid and even though I had it in the fridge door it of course froze!  So thankfully the manufacturer is giving me a one time free trigger shot to replace this one.  It turns out my fridge is set to 34 but the shot has to be stored between 36-36 degrees Fahrenheit.  The lady on the phone said normally the husbands were the one to accidentally freeze the medicine 😦  They also said if I would have accidentally froze Gonal it would have been $1,000.00 to replace and the Ovidrel is only $99.50!

This first period after surgery is definitely heavier and longer, but this coming from a girl who is used to a 3 day cycle that is light.  It’s not so heavy I need like heavy pads or anything just different.  My incision sites are continuing to heal and feel ok.  I use having a few sharp pains in the left ovary that he opened but I’m chalking that up to it closing back up again because I haven’t had any since.

I am also looking into therapy to deal with my infertility and binge eating.  I need to get things under control with my health and what I’m eating has everything to do with it! I had my physical and the blood work came back great expect my LDL is 163 – Stroke level! I am 27!!! So I am definitely freaked out, I guess my youth can only carry me so far.

So along with the IUI I am juggling being a mom to an almost 5 year old, a dog mom to a 13 week old puppy who is worse than a child and a wife and don’t forget I work outside the home full-time!  God is definitely guiding me through all of this and I look to him everyday.  I call my commute to and from work my time with Jesus as I listen to the local contemporary Christian channel.  And as you can imagine DC traffic is terrible so this helps keep me in a good place as well.  I have been nervous that the IUI can lead to twins but I know God has a plan for us and if that is his plan than I cannot wait and we are very excited for whatever may become.

I leave you with an updated picture of Sammy!  I will post later after my scan tomorrow 🙂 Prayers are always welcome!